Cute Lights Your Kids Will Love!

Lights are a must-have element in any room. The children’s room benefits from a range of different types of lighting. General room lighting, usually from ceiling lights. Task lighting, such as on a table, near a reading corner, or a changing table. Soft lighting is suitable for night feeding or night safety. Adding different levels of lighting to a room can enhance the contrast between light and shadow. Choosing an interesting design can also add a touch of playfulness.

With so many lighting designs to choose from, choosing the right light can be difficult. However, we’ve picked out some really cute lights from all over the world that will look great in any child’s room.

Stephanie Ng Design’s Luna Lana lamp is handmade from 100% merino wool. Natural wool and LED bulbs mean they’re both sustainable and aesthetically pleasing. We especially like the safari series at the top of the page. There are also angels (above) and bears (below).

Consider setting up a Drew pencil lamp on a table or using a giant version to illuminate a corner of your child’s room. These lights are designed to inspire creativity and are perfect for children’s spaces. Cables are an additional design feature. Because it can be molded into any doodle, you or your child can choose.


And then there are some animal lights!


And the marine life lights…


And a little bit of acrobatic male light…

With a pair of sunglasses, it is very handsome!!!

I think adults probably love these lights as much as kids! Which one do you like best?

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